What time did i wake up today....? 1pm...Slept for 12 hrs....Finally went to YMCA to teach today. The guys were great! Lots of potential and the best part is willing to sing. Asian Beat is coming up. And they are writing their own songs! I need to make a trip down to esplanade library to get scores. Also finally did some drumming today. Why is it my hands feel sooo dead today. Like im hitting on wood. I think i need a break frm teaching, its getting more and more numb. The only friends i have are like my students. Pepsi is getting weaker by the day. Cant walk now. Only barking and barking. She is deteriorating fast. Hope she can survive the new year. Above is a pic of Tiny, my student's dog......sooooo cute.
Hahaha , why not , you just have a break ? Pity you .. Hahah , (:
hey Derek!
saw your url on MSN and thought I'd drop by.
Just thought I'd let you know you've been a great teacher to me and I truly enjoy your lessons.
Here's my blog, btw.
I hope you keep teaching.
<3 Darrell
Lols , hope you get well soon :)
you got a nice blog... your puppy is so cute... :)
ur student e dog is soo adorable! Poor cher... Juz relax a lil la... n dun blame me if i flood ur tag haha...
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