Friday, October 31, 2008
The Dream
Slept quite early last nite cos I was sick. The Dream came back again. Havent had it for over six months. Its quite weird cos its as if I was back in time again. And She appeared again. Havent really forgotten abt her all these years and frankly, I havent met her since we parted. That was a good 10 years ago. wonder how is she now? She must be doing well cos she did well in school. Is this girl someone whom I'll never forget for the rest of my life? She only appears when Im sleeping, I dont think of her during my daily activities. Well, hope i get to meet her again someday. Anyway, no point thinking abt the past. My present is really busy enough.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Super Late Today
Woke up super late Today...class is at 10.30, woke up like 10.00. Had to take a cab down. Wasted another 8 bucks. Bryan is doing really well now. 8 yrs old and he is playing quite well.
Thinking of bleaching my hair again. My mum was like dyeing her hair last nite and i was like, " Do u have any extra bleach around in the house....?" Going to get that bottle of bleach from Watson's later. Meeting Pearlyn for lunch. Havent met her for over four months. Hope its a good lunch, cos im starving! Going to YMCA after that and then to Kolam Ayer CC. Im taking a break tmr, so have to inform the students that Im not going. Im tired...overweight and in need of exercise....all the junk food is doing me in...better go to Uncle Richard's place tmr...havent met him for over three months. well...there goes the weekend....
Thinking of bleaching my hair again. My mum was like dyeing her hair last nite and i was like, " Do u have any extra bleach around in the house....?" Going to get that bottle of bleach from Watson's later. Meeting Pearlyn for lunch. Havent met her for over four months. Hope its a good lunch, cos im starving! Going to YMCA after that and then to Kolam Ayer CC. Im taking a break tmr, so have to inform the students that Im not going. Im tired...overweight and in need of exercise....all the junk food is doing me in...better go to Uncle Richard's place tmr...havent met him for over three months. well...there goes the weekend....
White Sands, 14 Days and counting
Performance is coming soon, Nov 14....just need to make sure they get the two songs right. First song was okaez, second song was a disaster. Really tired now. Thank God Ms Reg msged me this morning to wake me up, really nice girl. Then went to collect guitars at some godforsaken hour. BTW, havent talked to Ms Chan for a long long time. We go way back, back when i was a lifeguard. I wonder how is she now. wish I can meet up with her for dinner soon. Pepsi is going to the vet tonight. hope the vet wldnt do anything. i wish she wld pass away at home, not at the vet's. 15 years I had her. Part of the family. My mum is really going to miss her when she's gone.
Pepsi used to console me whenever I was sad, jumping into my lap when I was crying, looking at me and wondering what was wrong, and then licking my tears away....Its really been a long and fruitful journey with her these 15 years.....
Pepsi used to console me whenever I was sad, jumping into my lap when I was crying, looking at me and wondering what was wrong, and then licking my tears away....Its really been a long and fruitful journey with her these 15 years.....
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
JT playing Stairway To Heaven-Part one
One year has passed, and she is very good in playing guitar now.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Auditorium very warm ....
To think I had a class at the auditorium just now, very very warm, and the fan was not working.
Had VIPs just now. So had to put in a gd performance. Christmas songs, Im thinking of Christmas songs. Is it going to be the end of the year soon, wow this year has passed by very very fast. What did i do this year man? Soon I'll be hitting 2-7....thats unthinkable....To my older cousins, they will always think of me as the young boy whom they used to play with, cannot grow old one. All of them are married, or close to being married. Me? Erm.....I think I'll be happy staying single my whole life...Can't imagine getting married and having kids and having people calling me Pa or DAD. Hahaa....Unthinkable...
Had VIPs just now. So had to put in a gd performance. Christmas songs, Im thinking of Christmas songs. Is it going to be the end of the year soon, wow this year has passed by very very fast. What did i do this year man? Soon I'll be hitting 2-7....thats unthinkable....To my older cousins, they will always think of me as the young boy whom they used to play with, cannot grow old one. All of them are married, or close to being married. Me? Erm.....I think I'll be happy staying single my whole life...Can't imagine getting married and having kids and having people calling me Pa or DAD. Hahaa....Unthinkable...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Its a day of rest for me. Had a gd time at Bedok CC last nite. Now parking at internet cafe cos as u guys noe, i dont have a computer at home. Havent had a com for the last seven years. Was hooked onto com before, playing games till late into the nite. To think I was a com student before. That was like a gd ten yrs ago. Temasek Poly student, then dropped out. Come to think of it, I was quite stupid last time, didnt really concentrate in my studies. Looking back, I know I could have done things in a more constructive way. Spend less time with friends, less time going out and more time in my studies. Then didnt have to drop out. Miss those days of studying, no need to worry abt money, or earning money tt is. Well, the past is the past, no use regretting. Im happy with my life now, teaching guitar. meeting and interacting with students. They are the pride and joy in my life now. Talk again later.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Holiday Tmr.
Well its a public holiday tmr and its the first break Im having in over two mths. Havent planned what Im actually going to do, probably going to sleeep late tonite and wake up like at 1 tmr. Then half the day is wasted. Donoe whether Colin is free for tennis tmr. I still can't run for heaven's sake and i noe i need lots of exercise. Just been eating and sleeping for the last two months. The tummy is really showing. Well, hope it doesnt rain tmr.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Funny Habits.

I just started noticing myself recently....I do have very weird habits which i really am not aware of...Example one: When I take an escalator, i always step onto it with my right foot first. And i always step on the right hand side first and then move to the left to let people pass....And for the studentsin my skool class, u will always notice that i shake my legs.....That is really something very automatic. On the train, when i sit down, i will periodically check my fingernails like a woman. Im also very particular abt numbers. I will never choose anything that starts with a 2 or 4, but give me 7, 8 or 17, I'll be very pleased. Well anyways, I have three classes today, easy ones, not much travelling, so no cabbing....I need to save money, cos Ive been spending too much. Bye for now.

What time did i wake up today....? 1pm...Slept for 12 hrs....Finally went to YMCA to teach today. The guys were great! Lots of potential and the best part is willing to sing. Asian Beat is coming up. And they are writing their own songs! I need to make a trip down to esplanade library to get scores. Also finally did some drumming today. Why is it my hands feel sooo dead today. Like im hitting on wood. I think i need a break frm teaching, its getting more and more numb. The only friends i have are like my students. Pepsi is getting weaker by the day. Cant walk now. Only barking and barking. She is deteriorating fast. Hope she can survive the new year. Above is a pic of Tiny, my student's dog......sooooo cute.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Whata day today.... Must have travelled everywhere in Singapore..... Took cab like four times today....and very wet.... was at wsps tis afternoon and had two hrs of lessons with the kids.....finally the dream of an ensemble is coming true....these kids are smart....very smart....wish they had better guitars.....Then met up with Mr Chu to get electric guitar.....shld have seen the look on his face when he finally bought it.....French girl was next.....another easy going kid....talented but not concentrating....wish she cld try harder.... the rain is bugging me.....just wet take cab and wet again....Meeting up with Uncle Richard tmr for lunch....he said hes going to pass the turntable and speakers to me...YAY! I need to play those jazz records..! And I need another acoustic guitar!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Im back

It has been close to a year since ive created this blog. The year has been filled with surprises. Started working full time again in the beginning of the year. Then quit my job and back to teaching guitar. The students at the skools are fun to be with. makes me feel younger. Looking forward to an excellent 2009 with more skools to go to. I really shld take up classical again. Well, three classes today and I'm feeling relaxed. Just the weather-raining. How I wish the sun wld be out and I miss swimming and tennis. Ciao!
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